This Tutorial is copyrighted to the Tutorial Writer, © Emmy Kruyswijk  2009.
 This Tutorial may not be forwarded, shared or otherwise placed on any Web Site or group without written
permission from
Emmy Kruyswijk
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Materials: Download here

1 Disney tube, 1 tube  1 mask, preset shapes., template from BabesDesignz
filter: - Dot and Cross,
Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow. Download here

Put the plug-ins in the folder plug-ins and the mask in the folder mask. Also the preset shape in the folder preset shapes.





Foreground color #4c743f and background color #dce3e3

1. Open new image 600x600
2. Fill this with the foreground color.
3. New raster layer - fill this with the background color.
4. Layers - Load/Save Mask - Load mask from disk - Unbekannt 5 - with this setting.

5. Layers - merge - merge group.
6. Effects - 3D Effects - drop shadow with this setting.

7. Stay at raster 1  - Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Paper Textures - Filter Paper - with this setting.

8. Go back to the top layer.
9. Open the BabesDesignz_template8.
10. Copy the dot circle and paste as a new layer.
11. Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
12. Copy the small circles and paste as a new layer.
13. Select the black circles and fill this with #960000.
14. Selections - select none.
15. Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
16. Copy the circle and paste as a new layer.
17. Make this bigger with the zoom in option
18. Select the black circle - Selections - modify - Select color range.

19. Fill this with color #960000.
20. For the dot circle - put your paintbrush at 10 and go over the dot circle- Till this is filled also.
21. Selections - select none.
22. Copy the circle and paste as a new layer.
23. Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
24. Effects - - Dot and Cross with this setting.

25. Copy the tube ChristmasMick and paste as a new layer.
26. Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
27. Copy the tube GGChristmasBow and paste as a new layer.
28. Give the same drop shadow as in point 6.
29. Duplicate this layer - image - mirror.
30. Stay at raster 3. Put the fore- and background color at white.
31. Go to preset shape tool and find gerdaxmas.

32. And fill the 7 little red circles with another preset shape of gerdaxmas.
33. Give them all the same drop shadow as in point 6.
34. Layers - merge - merge all.
35. Image - Resize 75%.
36. Put your watermark into the image.
37. Image - add border 5 color #960000
38. Select the border.
39. Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel with this setting.

40. Selections - select none.
41. Image - add border 10 - color white.
42. Put the foreground back to #960000.
43. Select the white border - fill this gradient radial.

44. Effects - Graphics Plus - Cross Shadow with this setting.

45. Selections - select none.
46. Image - add border 5 color #960000
47. Repeat point 38, 39 3n 40
48. Image - add border 10 - color white.
49. Repeat point 38, 39, 40 en 41.
50. Image - add border 5 color #960000.
51. Repeat point 43, 44 en 45.


Ready is the tag
I hope you like this tutorial.
greetings Emmy,

Tutorial written 01-06-2009